CONSTITUTION OF THE LORAIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ARTICLE I This organization shall be known as the Lorain County Agricultural Society. The purpose of the Society shall be the holding of an annual fair for the promotion and improvement of Agriculture, Home Economics, and the Arts and Industries of the County. ARTICLE II SECTION I The Board of Directors for the management of the Society shall consist of twenty-one (21) members who shall be elected by ballot. Any person desiring to run for election to the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Society may not be a current member of the Lorain County Junior Fair Board or its equivalent and must actually reside in the Original Township he or she represents at the time of the election and throughout their term. Not more than two (2) residents of any one Original Township shall serve on the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Society at the same time. For purposes of this section, the term “Original Township” shall mean any of the geographical areas depicted as Original Townships in the map posted at the Fair Board Office and published as an appendix to this Constitution. One-third (l/3) of the elected Directors shall be elected annually for three (3) years. SECTION II The County Extension Agents, County Superintendent of Schools, Commissioners, Sheriff, and retired Directors shall be considered to be ex-officio members of the Board. Ex-officio members will serve in an advisory capacity, assisting Directors in their duties and participate in the decision making process, except for voting. SECTION III The annual election shall be by ballot and conducted by three judges and two clerks who are members of the Society appointed by the President on MONDAY, during the week of the fair, between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., at the Lorain County fairgrounds in Wellington, Ohio. Identification may be required. SECTION IV Members of the Society shall declare their candidacy for the office of Director by filing with the Society a petition signed by ten (10) or more members of the Society, who are residents of Lorain County, at least seven (7) days before the annual Election of Directors is held. Each candidate shall be required to submit, with their petition, proof that both a BCI&I and FBI criminal background check have been done and provide a copy of their Driver’s License or other acceptable form of identification. The criminal background check must be done within 120 days prior to the election. Any person convicted of a felony, theft offense, sexual offense, or any other criminal offense involving moral turpitude shall not be eligible to serve on the Board. The official ballot shall contain only the names and townships of those candidates who have filed the required petition. ARTICLE III SECTION I Only members of the Society twenty-one (21) years of age or older and residents of Lorain County and holding membership tickets can vote at the annual election. Membership tickets can be secured only from the Secretary of the Society or from any of the Directors of the Society. Only members holding membership tickets for the current year shall be permitted to vote at the annual election and must vote for not less than four (4) or more than seven (7) candidates. SECTION II The Board of Directors shall, at the call of the President, on the second Tuesday of November in each year at 8:00 p.m., meet and elect a President and Vice-President and appoint a Secretary and Treasurer. The election of the President and Vice-President shall be by ballot. The President and Vice-President shall be elected to serve one year, the Secretary appointed to serve a term not to exceed three years, and the Treasurer appointed to serve not more than one year, as the Board of Directors may determine, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The President and Vice-President shall be members of the Society. The President and Vice-President must be Directors. Before the election of officers is conducted, the newly elected Directors shall qualify by taking oath before a competent authority. 14

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