RULES: 1. Birds lacking in breed characteristics, as defined in the American Poultry Standard of Perfection, or those in poor condition, such as bare backs, feathering, illness, or poor vitality, may be removed or refused admittance and/or placed out of class from the show at the Director or judge’s discretion. 2. Each exhibitor will be permitted to enter NO MORE than two chickens in any one class, Ducks or Geese NO MORE than two. 3. BIRDS MUST BE ENTERED IN THE CORRECT CLASS ACCORDING TO BREED, SEX, AND AGE CLASSIFICATION AS SHOWN IN THE PREMIUM BOOK. 4. The Society will use all reasonable precaution against loss but will not be responsible should any loss occur. 5. Each poultry exhibitor must comply with one of the following (waterfowl are exempt) - proof required when animals arrive at fairgrounds or send with entry form: a. Poultry exhibited were obtained from a flock or hatchery of origin, which is a participant in the National Poultry Improvement Plan for the eradication of disease (all commercial Ohio hatcheries meet this requirement); or b. Poultry are from a flock which has had a negative flock test for pullorum disease within 12 months; or c. Poultry had a negative test for pullorum disease within 90 days; d. Hatchery receipt is invalid if comingled with other poultry. 6 6. Exhibitors will not be allowed to place their names on coops until after T N judging has been completed. Entries may be limited due to E availability of coops. Lorain County residents given preference if limit M is reached. Limit of 50 entries per exhibitor. T R 7. Feed, water, and bedding is provided throughout the fair by the Lorain A County Agricultural Society and show sponsors. P E 8. All birds will be judged according to the APA Standard of Perfection D by an APA Licensed Judge. 9. No birds removed until 6:00 pm Sunday - owned or sold. 10. Due to fire and safety concerns, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED AROUND FAIRGROUND BUILDINGS. Any vehicle or trailer parked around a building in violation of posted signs or fair rules will be towed and impounded. There will be a $75.00 towing charge. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for damage. Towed vehicles or trailers will not be released until towing charges are paid in full. 11. Premiums may be picked up from Barn 38 on Sunday, August 25, between 5:00-8:00 pm. 12. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. ENTRY BOOKS: STANDARD POULTRY - BANTAMS COCK - a male bird one year old or more HEN - a female bird one year old or more COCKEREL - a male bird less than one year old PULLET - a female bird less than one year old CLASSES (SEX): 1. Cock $5 $3 $1 2. Hen $5 $3 $1 3. Cockerel $5 $3 $1 4. Pullet $5 $3 $1 70

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