COUNTY FAIR KIDS FUN SHOW THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2024 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Junior Fair Show Ring - Barn 9 MARIE WAITE Superintendent ......................................................................... Marie Waite Co-Superintendent ..................................................................... Joe Buchs 1. This Fun Show is open to all children up to and including 8 years of age at fair time. 2. Children may bring any type of animal or item to this fun show. Examples: cat, dog, calf, pet mouse, craft or item the child made, cookies the child helped bake, a collection of leaves the child can identify, vegetables or flowers the child has planted or grown, etc. 3. Animals used may be those already on the fairgrounds being exhibited by parents, older brothers and sisters, etc., or may be a housepet brought from home. 4. The item or animal should be one that the child is familiar with and can tell a judge about. Each child will participate in a short interview with a judge. 5. Participants may come to this fun show any time between 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 am and may leave as soon as they have their interview. 6. This is not a competitive judging. No grades or premium money will be given. Each child will receive a county fair participation ribbon. 24