LORAIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY CODE OF CONDUCT Lorain County Agricultural Society (LCAS) Code of Conduct states that all participants and attendees are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. If any attendee directs any disrespectful, vulgar, threatening or abusive language, and/or obscene gestures or remarks toward any Lorain County Fair representative, Lorain County Junior Fair or Senior Fair Board member, and/or any fair staff, the attendee will be in direct violation of the Lorain County Fair Code of Conduct. Any person in violation will face disciplinary actions as deemed by the LCAS Board. Exhibitors and their families violating the Code of Conduct may forfeit premiums and/or may be banned from exhibiting for a period of time determined by the LCAS. Anyone violating the Code of Conduct may be escorted from the grounds, may be subject to arrest and prosecution, and/or may be banned by the LCAS from the fairgrounds. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES Protests, public demonstrations, confrontational or threatening conduct, fighting or inciting riot is strictly prohibited. No person shall engage in any activity that would jeopardize the safety and well-being of another person. Anyone initiating or participating in these activities shall be removed from the fairgrounds. There will be no refund of paid admission for anyone removed for violation of these rules. Violators of these rules may be banned from attending the fair for the remainder of the week. Violators may also be subject to arrest and prosecution as determined by police officers and sheriff deputies providing security for the fair. PREMIUM BOOKS Our premium book is downloadable at loraincountyfair.com/entries. We only mail premium books to those who enter in the open class of the fair. Premium books can also be picked up at the office when they come in, usually around June 1, on a first come, first serve basis. Please check our website and/or Facebook page for updates and changes to information in this book. 10

2024 Lorain County Fair Premium Book - Page 12 2024 Lorain County Fair Premium Book Page 11 Page 13