WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2023 (continued) 1:00 pm Junior Fair Judging - Rabbit Breed - Barn 15 1:00 pm Miniature Horse Pull - Pony Ring 2:00 pm Junior Fair Market Beef Show - Show Barn 4 7:00 pm OSTPA TRUCK PULL THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2023 - SENIOR CITIZENS/VETERANS DAY 8:00 am Gates Open - Senior Citizens (65 and older) - free all day Veterans and Military Personnel with ID - free all day 8:30 am Junior Fair - Rabbit Showmanship - Barn 15 8:30 am Junior Fair Judging - Beef Showmanship, BBR Market Steer - Show Barn 4 8:30 am Pony Pull - Grandstand 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Dairy Goats - Pavilion 2 9:00 am 4-H Open Mini Horse Fun Show - Ring A 8:30 am -11:00 am County Fair Kids Fun Show - Barn 9 12 noon Horse Pull - Grandstand 1:00 pm Junior Fair Auction - Meat Chickens, Market Ducks, Market Goats, Market Lambs, Meat Rabbits, Turkeys - REFER TO JUNIOR FAIR BOOK FOR SALE ORDER 4:00 pm Pigeon Rolling and Homing Pigeon Demonstration - Barn 38 5:30 pm Junior Fair Small Animal Sweepstakes Showmanship - Barn 9 6:00 pm Junior Fair Dog Agility Show 6:00 pm COUNTY TRACTOR PULL FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2023 8:00 am Gates Open 9:00 am Junior Fair Dairy Judging - Show Barn 4 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Miniature Horses - Ring A 12 noon Junior Fair Dairy Auction - Show Barn 4 12 noon Rooster Crowing, Turkey Calling, and Fowl Race - Barn 15 4:00 pm Draft Horse/Draft Pony Fun Pull (stabled entries only) - Pony Ring 4:00 pm Adult Poultry Showmanship - Barn 38 4:30 pm Junior Fair Large Animal Sweepstakes Showmanship - Barn 4 6:30 pm NTPA GRAND NATIONAL PULL SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2023 8:00 am Gates Open 8:30 am Junior Fair Livestock Auction - Market Beef and Market Hogs - Barn 9 - REFER TO JUNIOR FAIR BOOK FOR SALE ORDER 9:00 am 4-H Open Saddle Horse Fun Show - Ring A 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Beef Cattle - Show Barn 4 10:00 am Open to the World Draft Horse & Pony Hitch - Grandstand 1:30 pm Kiddie Pedal Pull - Pavilion 2 4:00 pm Pigeon Rolling and Homing Pigeon Demonstration - Barn 38 7:00 pm COMBINE DERBY AND PICK-UP TRUCK DERBY SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 2023 8:00 am Gates Open 9:00 am Interdenominational Worship Service - Show Barn 4 **If a Catholic mass is desired, please visit St. Patrick Church’s website for worship times** 9:30 am 4-H Saddle Horse Versatility Show - Ring A 10:00 am Pony Fun Show - Pony Ring 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Spinners & Weavers - Pavilion 2 1:00 pm Power Wheel Derby 4:00 pm DEMOLITION DERBY - GRANDSTAND GATES OPEN AT 3:00 PM 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Premium Check Distribution for Depts. 8-10 - between Buildings 25 & 26 6:00 pm Dismiss Entries 7:00 pm Release Commercial Exhibits Please use this QR code to check for any updates or changes to this schedule 3