Land scape Special Edition CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW Witchcrafting, still Witchcrafting, still understood that their views are very statement. It was my personal thing, i havent outdated for me and already then i was told anyone or asked for help. When i received beginning to think in a collaged way - a letter acceptance from university for the inspired by david hockney. So when i creative arts in rochester, i was over the moon finished school in 2006, at 18 years of age, i and i didnt really know what to do, because it applied to a couple of english art was so unexpected. I showed this letter to my universities, somehow i managed to put parents and told them that i’m going to together a folder with miscellaneous art england but i need money (which we didnt works and photos that i produced, and a really have ahahah). My father didnt take it so written (at times copy pasted) artist well, he had other plans for me. And so a
LandEscape Art Review, vol.72 Page 143 Page 145