Land scape Special Edition CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW production aims tourge the spectatorship And secondly, the leaves are born again to a participative effort, to realize their in the spring. own interpretation. Austrian Art historian In the "Leaf and Death" exhibition, I put Ernst Gombrich once remarked the an excerpt of Fereydon Moshiri's poem importance of providing a space for the entitled "Believe in Spring" (‘Bahar ra viewers to project onto, so that they can Bavar Kon’) on the wall of the exhibition: actively participate in the creation of the "... the soil has come alive illusion: how important is for you to Why have you turned to stone? trigger the viewers' imagination in order Why are you so heavyhearted? to address them to elaboratepersonal Open the windows interpretations? In particular, how open And believe in the springs." would you like your works to be understood? Of course, I would very much like to see Yes, I really love symbols. and hear the feedback of my audience Usually, the production and creation of a both in the exhibitions and in the virtual work of art or artwork may not have space. This is very effective and anything to do with the audience. I make enjoyable for me, even if their feedback art because I feel the need for it inside me. is not in accordance with my own Air pollution, wars and destructions, etc. purpose or my personal perception of make me sick and this pain forces me to the works. create a work that is a salve for this pain It is still very inspiring and informative and then I share these works with my for me. audience and my work affects the With their unique aesthetic quality on audience. And I see its feedback. the visual espect, your works seem to I have never created a work to please the belaboriously structuredto capture audience. echoes from reality, pursuing such I have been asked a lot by the audience in effective and at the same time regard to the collection of leaves—whether thoughtfulvisual impact: how important this work is long-lasting? And even is direct experience for you? In collectors have told me, "this work is not particular, how do you considerthe role enduring, what would you do to make it of memoryplaying within your artistic last longer?" And in response, I would say, process? “Are we eternal?” The name of the Mitra Tashakori: I think I have fully collection is Leaf and Death, after all. addressed the importance of nature and It is not sustainable. its tremendous artistic impact in the Of course, this collection had two general previous questions. Nature marks the goals; firstly, the leaves are not permanent. beginning and end of my work; it makes We are not permanent and we die. its way into my works in a subconscious
LandEscape Art Review, vol.72 Page 69 Page 71