Nashville on the Coast is extremely happy to wel- come you to our second annual singer songwriter fesƟval. We’re excited to bring you live perfor- mances by arƟsts that scan the spectrum of song- wriƟng. This year we’re featuring icons, up and coming arƟsts and those that conƟnue to make their mark on the soundtracks that shape our lives. Each performance includes the inƟmate experience of hearing the stories behind the music. Since the inaugural event last year, I’ve spent the year touring the country at various songwriter fes- Ɵvals to take the best of what they do and bring it back to Seal Beach. I am inspired by these arƟsts that give so much to their craŌ and knew our com- munity would respond. It was equally important to me that this event become something that could truly make a difference in people’s lives. This year we couldn’t be more proud to partner with Honor Flight Southland as our designated philanthropy, an organizaƟon I had been involved in for over a decade Being able to introduce the Nashville style singer songwriter rounds to our community has been a dream, but everyone knows free is not free. We’re honored that the Seal Beach Chamber stepped up as Ɵtle sponsor this year, and together, we plan to fill our venues to the brim. Thanks for joining us on our journey, we hope you’ll have as good of a Ɵme as we did working on this labor of love . Daren de Leon Founder
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