The Expedition LLeeaarrnniinngg CCooaacchh CCuurrrriiccuulluumm TTeeaacchheerr LLeedd LLeeaarrnniinngg CCooaacchh RReeccoorrdd KKeeeeppiinngg Requires a written NO - Teacher will review Provides the student Tracks lesson monthly plan the monthly learning with daily instruction completion according identifying the plan to ensure an & feedback on to the monthly plan & standards & appropriate amount of learning activities & provides assignments, learning activities standards along with communicates with & pictures, & other covered daily by learning activities & receives input from evidence to the the student assignments are the Teacher Teacher to be reviewed throughout the planned for the frequently and submitted as work Learning Period Learning Period & add samples during each supplemental Learning Period assignments as needed meeting While still a viable option, this curricular path is rarely chosen by our families due to the lack of structure and the level of planning and record-keeping required by the parent and the Teacher. This path requires the most daily and monthly planning time. A monthly plan will need to be created in advance, daily logs/records kept, and more evidence of work submitted at the end of each Learning Period (LP). Choosing this learning path means choosing to work on grade-level standards through assorted means rather than working through a particular curriculum. The curricula listed in this category are not comprehensive curricula and are primarily considered supplemental or enrichment. While these supplements and learning activities can be incorporated into a student’s individualized Learning Plan, they do require a great deal of oversight from the Teacher and Learning Coach to ensure grade-level standards are being met. If you choose to work on individual standards as your child’s curriculum plan, you will work with the Teacher to create a plan for each Learning Period that identifies the learning activities being used to meet the assigned standards. To best support families who select this path, the Teacher will assign a set of standards to complete using our school Ed Plans for each LP. The Teacher will then work with the Learning Coach to plan out the learning activities that will be completed during the LP. These activities may include some of the supplemental learning materials or enrichment activities on this document but are not subject to only those listed below. The Learning Coach will then support the student in mastering the standards by completing the assigned learning activities and turning in the completed work, activities logs, and evidence of learning to the Teacher for each Learning Period. If the parent would like, they can create a plan to review with their Teacher before each Learning Period meeting. While not required, using a template to create their own plan to review with the Teacher is recommended for families who choose this unique and rare learning path. The use of a template such as this one HERE may be helpful. The Teacher will then work with the parent to solidify the Learning Plan for the student by assigning the standards to be completed along with the learning activities, assignments, and experiences the parent has chosen to support the completion of those standards. Here is a folder that has some additional learning plan templates that might be useful: Learning Period Planning Templates LANGUAGE ARTS MATH SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE ELA Course Outlines Math Course Teachers Pay Teachers Pay (targeted standards- Outlines (targeted Teachers Teachers based learning) standards-based Co-Ops Unit Studies Teachers Pay learning) Unit Studies Science Projects Teachers Teachers Pay Research Report Science Labs Novel Study/Socratic Teachers PowerPoint Science Field Discussion Co-Ops Presentations Trips Co-Ops Sequoia Learning Sequoia Learning Co-Ops 180 days workbooks Community Community Sequoia Learning Evan-Moor Heart Academy Heart Academy Community workbooks Heart Academy Sequoia Learning Community Heart Academy CENTRAL VALLEY CHARTER SCHOOLS: YOSEMITE VALLEY CHARTER SCHOOL & MONARCH RIVER ACADEMY

TK-6th Grade Startup Guide - Page 15 TK-6th Grade Startup Guide Page 14 Page 16