SILVER LEVEL 1. Banner with Company Logo displayed on campus & at SPONSORSHIP travel tournaments on Team $2,500-$4,999 Pop Up Canopy. 2.Recognition as a Silver Sponsor in event programs 1. Banner with Company Logo displayed on campus & and announcements. at travel tournaments on our Team pop up canopy. 3.Featured on the official 2.Recognition as a Silver Sponsor in event team Instagram with a link program(s) and announcements. to your company website. 3.Featured on the official team Instagram with a link 4.Recognition on social media to your company website. platforms (GroupMe, 4.Recognition on social media platforms (GroupMe, Facebook & Instagram) at Facebook & Instagram) at least four times during l east four times during the the season. season. 5.Online ad on the team’s live streaming platform, Sporfie, that includes hyperlink to your company’s website. 6.A personalized plaque of appreciation expressing gratitude for your Silver l evel sponsorship.