Societal Consequences of the Pandemic Supporting Population Health Surveys Since 2020, our generous donors have funded SPEAK 1 and 2, SPEAK 3 is providing important the vital British Columbia Surveys on Population information about how British Columbians Experiences, Action, and Knowledge (SPEAK). experienced the pandemic and how those The aim of this series of surveys is to better experiences changed over time, ensuring that understand British Columbians’ general health inequities and unintended societal consequences status and well-being. Round three of SPEAK had are addressed, and the overall health and well- close to 90,000 people sharing their thoughts being of the population is improved. and experiences. Combined with the data from Investing in Youth Mental Health Growing evidence of the unintended consequences “We’re very grateful to Paci昀椀c Public Health of the last few years is showing damaging Foundation for this opportunity because we think effects on youth mental health, and data from there is a window here for that burning platform BC’s SPEAK surveys shone a light on the fact that really sees a shift for child and youth mental that youth mental health deteriorated during the health. And not just to focus on once the damage pandemic. is done, but what are we doing to protect children? Upfront, upstream, and create conditions that lead This evidence prompted us to partner with the them to ful昀椀ll their potential.” — Shannon Turner, Ministry of Health, Vancouver Coastal Health Executive Director, PHABC and the Public Health Association of BC to collaborate on solutions. We funded a project Supporting Youth Mental Health and that included a provincial Best Brains Exchange Substance Use Intervention forum, as well as regional discussions throughout We partnered with Vancouver Island Health BC. This important conversation brought many Authority (Island Health) on a project that voices together, including BC’s regional health improves access to mental health and substance authorities, medical health of昀椀cers, and of course, use supports for youth. This project allows Island and perhaps most importantly, youth. Health school districts to provide evidence-based Grounding our work in a population mental programming to middle-school aged students wellness approach, directing adequate resources deemed at risk for mental health and/or substance to support research and evaluation, joining use issues. Quali昀椀ed programs that promote forces with the education sector, addressing mental health and substance use intervention mental health for equity-deserving groups, and techniques will be implemented in various school collaborating with Indigenous communities are just districts throughout the Island Health region, a few recommendations that came out of the Best supporting students to access the tools they need Brains Exchange forum. to cope with the challenges they face in these important years of development. 10 Paci昀椀c Public Health Foundation

Pacific Public Health Foundation Annual Report 2023-2024 - Page 10 Pacific Public Health Foundation Annual Report 2023-2024 Page 9 Page 11