Letter from our CEO As the health landscape in BC changes, so too We continue to does our work. Beginning early in the year, build and strengthen we began a project that saw us launch a new partnerships to support brand and a new name in January 2024. While BC’s broad public we remain the same organization with the health community of same commitments to public health in every practice with a shared corner of our beautiful province, our new name interest of improved distinguishes us as BC’s premier public health population health outcomes. While collaborating charity and provides clarity in who we are and with the British Columbia Centre for Disease what we do. Being recognized as an independent Control (BCCDC) and other trusted partners, organization working through critical partnerships such as the Ministry of Health and Michael Smith across the sector puts us in a better position to Health Research BC, we expanded our reach by advance public health in BC. We’re very proud securing new partnerships with organizations of what we accomplished with our rebrand and like Northern Health, and new donors such as TD what it will enable us to do moving forward as Bank Group, learn more on pages 12 and 13. we undertake the next few years of our strategic The Foundation continues to grow, as we plan. I encourage you to 昀氀ip to page 17 to learn welcomed a new member to the board and new more about the new brand and the thoughtful elements that make it unique. colleagues to the of昀椀ce. This growth improves our capacity to advance public health as a cause. This past year we moved into pandemic recovery, Going beyond bringing new investments to the which includes youth mental health, Indigenous sector and funding critical projects, we also health, Rights, and Truth and Reconciliation, and implemented education, knowledge translation, the climate crisis, while continuing our strong and advocacy projects that truly improve focus on addressing the toxic drug poisoning understanding of what public health is and why it crisis. Our work is intersectoral and common matters — we are particularly proud of our unique, themes cross everything we do. We must two-pronged approach. Grounding our solutions- understand these intersections and undertake focused work in equity, social-justice, anti-racism, work that centres populations who experience Truth and Reconciliation, partnerships, and inequities due to systemic barriers. To that end, advancing public health, we ensure that our work we launched two fundraising campaigns that are is impactful to communities across BC. built upon the current crises facing our province, Thank you to all our donors, partners, advisors, while remaining nimble, responsive, and 昀氀exible and board members who support us as we to the needs of public health, Your Health, Our continue to improve public health in BC. Thank Commitment and Together We Act. You can learn you as well to Foundation staff who drive more about these important campaigns on pages our purpose and vision. We appreciate your 6-7 of this report. dedication, positivity, and passion as we make transformational change for public health in BC. Kristy Kerr, BSc, MPH-HP CEO 4 Paci昀椀c Public Health Foundation
Pacific Public Health Foundation Annual Report 2023-2024 Page 3 Page 5