Margaret Jordan Johnson Matthews Matriarch & Keeper of Family History Financial Analyst & Family Man BIOGRAPHY BIOGRAPHY Maggie, 73, is the family historian, having spent years Jordan, 32, is the busy father of two young children. collecting old family photos, letters, and documents He values family traditions but struggles to 昀椀nd the that trace her family’s roots. She’s deeply invested in time to help preserve the family’s legacy amidst his ensuring her family’s history is passed down, but with fast-paced lifestyle. He grew up listening to stories boxes of physical memorabilia and a mix of digital from his grandmother, Margaret, and wants to 昀椀les, she’s worried that these precious memories ensure those memories and traditions continue for might get lost a昀琀er she’s gone. Although she’s his children. Jordan sees technology as a solution somewhat comfortable with technology, she prefers to streamline and modernize legacy preservation. simple, intuitive platforms. Maggie is looking for a He’s excited about tools that make documenting and tool to organize her collection, securely store legal sharing family history easy, and he’s keen to get his documents, and pass down family values, ensuring own children involved in learning about their heritage. QUOTE that future generations remember their heritage. QUOTE He’s also mindful of planning for the future and “I have so much to share but no ensuring that his family’s 昀椀nancial and legal a昀昀airs are “Life is short, and I want to my easy way to share it.” in order. children to grow up knowing where we came from.” NEEDS & GOALS CHALLENGES & CONSIDERATIONS NEEDS & GOALS CHALLENGES & CONSIDERATIONS • Create a well-organized digital archive of family • Overwhelmed by the amount of physical and • Digitally preserve family stories and photos for • Lack of time to dedicate to organizing and history. digital content to organize. future generations. preserving family history. • Ensure family traditions, values, and stories are • Struggles with understanding complex apps and • Engage his children with their family history in fun, • Feels disconnected from the older generation’s passed down. digital tools. interactive ways. physical archives. • Simplify and secure important legal and 昀椀nancial • Worried that her legacy may not be valued or • Create a structured transition plan to protect his • Concerned about securely managing 昀椀nancial documents. maintained a昀琀er her time. family’s future. and legal documents. • Engage her children and grandchildren in • Collaborate with family members to ensure preserving and continuing the family legacy. everyone has access to important documents. • Wants to leave a meaningful legacy and ensure • Wants to honor his grandmother’s dedication to her family’s roots are not forgotten. family history and ensure his children have access • Desires simplicity and clarity in technology to make to their heritage. preserving her legacy easy. • Enjoys using technology to simplify complex tasks, like legacy planning and organization. • Seeks a balance between honoring the past and securing the future for his children.

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