Elleci's new high technology material exclu- METALTEK's chemical composition includes GRANITEK's chemical composition derive sively for the sink production. Ceramic nano- natural granite and acrylic resin and like all from natural granite molecules which repre- particles with an alloy of 6 advanced acrylic the other Elleci products, all the materials sents approximately the amount of 80% of resins. are diffused in whole sink from the top to the the whole mass, mixed with colourless acrylic bottom. Thanks to these characteristics our The constant research on new technologies resin. sinks have excellent resistance and durability gives Elleci the opportunity to introduce a The choice of different granite colours and the to scratches, pressure, thermical shocks and material with properties no alike to any other combination of different nuances as well de- competing product. high temperatures. termine the colour of the ifnal product. 100% Water resistant. The characteristic which make this product unique, despite the aforementioned ones, are GRANITEK's sink surface preserves the ap- Coffee, wine, juice, lemon and any other liquid the extra metallic molecules which have been pearance and touch of natural rock. This fact can be easily removed. added and therefore they provide a ifrst class contributes to an even more attractive sink's High resistance to hits (+50%). visual outcome. aesthetic and design. Covers the standards: UNI3310 & ΙΑΡΜΟ ANSI One of the most notable advantage of the 2124.6. The exact composition of the mixtures aim to GRANITEK sink is the whole and even alloca- provide us with 6 special colour results: Alu- minium 79, Ghisa 70, Titanium 73. tion of materials containing its mass. More smooth surface and increased resist- Observing GRANITEK sink from the behind, its These different colors offers a combination ance to scratches (+50%) and different ap- impossible to detect needless resin in a cer- of sink with the rest cuisine accessories from pearance as well. tain part, a fact that not only could destroy the The mixing of ceramic nano-particles and res- stainless steel or built-in electrical devices. appearance of the product but also could it ins eliminates any pore by increasing scratch put in danger its technical characteristics. resistance. Additionally, METALTEK sink surface need Modern GRANITEK sinks contain granite in less care for preserving in excellent condition their whole mass, in the surface, centre and Increased durability to thermical shock (+50%). compared to an stainless sink, which possibly Resistance to high temperature (up to 280° C). can have obvious scratches and stains. on the bottom of the sink. A great variety of models-designs and all of UV protection. METALTEK sinks are produced in 3 different The colour remains the same for ever. sets of 18 models in total, which can satisfy any the 13 available colours can satisfy every taste decoration demand. and decoration view. Antibacterial protection. That material prevent from the growth of mi- cro-organisms and facilitates the removal of bacteria thanks to its silver ions. Guaranteed cleanliness. The total lack of pores due to the nano-tech- nology application guarantees the cleanliness of the product. 9
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