Christianity Generally, Indonesians make a clear distinction between Protestantism and Catholi- cism, with the former being the nation’s second-largest re- ligion, followed by the latter. The height of Christianity’s in- fluence on Indonesia coincides with the beginning of the colo- nial era around the 18th centu- ry. During this time, mission- aries and priests arrived in the nation. Many of the most monumental churches and cathedrals in Indonesia were built during the colonial era. Although Christianity is a minority in Indonesia, compared to Is- lam, many communities in the eastern part of the archipelago are predominantly Christian. Hinduism Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in Indonesia. First brought to the archipelago by traders from India during the first century, Hinduism was once the predominant religion that was adopt- ed by the most powerful ancient empires. Eventually, Hinduism lost its influence, after most of In- donesia’s population converted to Islam, with the exception of Bali. Today, Hinduism remains the main religion throughout the island, blending neatly with the culture’s existing customs and belief systems and resulting in a unique branch of Hinduism that’s unlike anywhere else in the world. However, even though Hinduism has mostly been overthrown, ancient relics are still found all over Indonesia that highlight the religion’s golden age, including the majestic Prambanan Temple.

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