SOEKARNO’S OLD ORDER Soekarno, Indonesia’s first president, is rightfully seen as the icon of the nationalist struggle against the coloniz- ers. But after independence had finally been achieved, he faced the difficult task of guiding a new nation, plagued by traumas from the past and conflicts of political and social forces in the present. It proved to be a too daunting task for the young and inexperienced generation of Indonesian pol- iticians, resulting in the chaotic middle years of the 1960s. Suharto REFORMATION PERIOD OF INDONESIA After decades of authoritarian rule, Indonesian pol- itics were to be reformed in order to give the Indo- nesian people more power in the process of political and economic decision making. This new period is known as the period of Reformation and is marked by structural changes (such as the decentralization of power to the regions and limits to the power of the presidency), but also marked by continu- ities (such as the continuation of corruption, poverty and clustering of capital at society’s elite). CURRENT CABINET OF INDONESIA This section displays an up-to-date list of members in President Joko Widodo’s cur- rent cabinet - called the Working Cabi net - which was inaugurated on 27 October 2014 and is expected to govern until 2019 when new elections will be held. Widodo is al- lowed to participate in the presidential elections of 2019 as the constitution allows two terms (each covering a five-year period) to the Indonesian presidency. Since the inaugu- ration there have been made several changes to the composition of the Working Cabinet.

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