Dear Friends of Headwaters, Thanks to your support, generosity, encouragement, advice, and countless gestures of kindness. Headwaters 昀椀nds itself as healthy as it has ever been. The vitality of our programs is on display every day – whether it’s in the SmartLab on the River Campus; on the turf 昀椀eld at Creek; or in our thriving Young Children’s Community on the Springs Campus, the school is vibrant, dynamic, and greeting our students each day with care and connection, challenge and con昀椀dence. Thanks to your gifts, our capacity to provide access to Headwaters for more curious and engaged students in the form of 昀椀nancial aid has increased. Your enthusiastic participation in the PACT Challenge has directly supported the school in its efforts to Ted Graf, Head of School reach families from across Austin. Your faith in the school and the guides gave us the con昀椀dence to offer the largest salary increase to faculty and staff in years and to sustain and improve our generous bene昀椀ts package. Over and above compensation, the school supported the faculty with over $260,000 spent in professional growth and learning. As you read through the school’s annual report, take pride in what you have helped foster, and join us in spreading the word about the school’s inspiring work as we continue to think expansively about what school should be and to create it bravely with all of you. All the best,