www.jesuits.africa JCAM 2022 23 Annual Review At the centre of all our work is compassion and justice, values that programming, providing resources, when the person is internally characterize the entire work of the Jesuits in the fight against HIV/ broken. Forming the conscience of the young person is equally AIDS. This mission, that draws its strength and direction from the critical in order that their responses emerge in a space of personal Gospel, Catholic social teaching, the Universal Apostolic responsibility (whereby they are capable of addressing life Preferences (UAP’s) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), challenges including health threats). aspires to contribute to the global agenda of promoting healthy lives and well-being by working towards an HIV free generation. So, the UAPs call on all of us to accompany the young people to a AJAN’s strategic direction purposes to offer more holistic point of deep mentoring of each of them into a mature walk with interventions for HIV & AIDS to the frontiers of holistic health and God into life, into the future. well-being of the communities and to accompany the youth by placing them at the centre of integrated efforts against HIV & AIDS through its value-based education programme – AHAPPY, (AJAN HIV & AIDS Prevention programme for Youth). What the Society’s UAPs call us to do is not to prepare a future for the young people; rather, to prepare the youth for the future. It is not enough to operate on the outside environment, of policies, Winner of AJAN at 20 school competition gifted by AJAN director. Beneficiaries of the AJAN programme dancing. Dancers from Burundi entertain guests.