www.jesuits.africa JCAM 2022 Annual Review 49 EXPENDITURE $2,146,279 FACSI Partnership 55,434 JENA major grants - Project - The Fadica Gambia AJAN grants to Safeguarding field partners and core expenses 30,457 55,755 17,150 JENA major grants - Fadica JENA major 1,136,918 two 62,584 grants - Fadica JENA major grants - one Conrad Hilton JENA major Foundation grants - Fadica one 32,004 400,000 Support to JCAM Provs + Region using formation 162,917 centres in Conference JCAM administration 75,000 costs - salaries, JCAM support for ITCJ, 12,750 insurance, travel Cote d'Ivoire 257,276 Training of Jesuits in 135,000 special studies and JCAM led JCAM support for 12,750 formation costs Safeguarding 17,000 JENA/Justice and work Ecology JCAM Support for Jesuit Historical JCAM Support Institute in Africa for AJAN “Wherever you are, build change! Pope Francis ” Speaking to the Festival of Social Doctrine of the Church, Verona, Italy: November 2021