www.jesuits.africa JCAM 2022 Annual Review 03 Letter from the President I have great pleasure once again in welcoming you, our Benefactors, Friends and Companions in Mission, to the 2022 JCAM Annual review. In 1975 a previous Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr Pedro Arrupe, published a collection of essays and reflections entitled A Planet to Heal. Fr Arrupe had an extraordinary gift of seeing how the Society needed to be ready to adapt if it was to serve the Church and the World to its fullest capacities. Perhaps the single most important example of his insightfulness was in his decision to create the Jesuit Refugee Service in 1980 in response to the growing number of people who found themselves as migrants or refugees for one reason or another. But A Planet to Heal also presents a more global awareness on Arrupe’s part of the need to bring a healing and wholeness to so much of the created order fractured or diminished by injustices, or by a lack of care or concern or sometimes even a simple lack of knowledge of what harms are being done. As you read through this year’s annual review I hope you will agree with me that so much of the work of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar mirrors Arrupe’s concern to bring healing in many different ways: the considerable labours which are evidenced in the work for integral ecology carried on by the staff of the Jesuit Justice and Ecology Network of Africa; the work of the Africa Jesuit Aids Network which through education and pastoral support seeks to help many who are challenged still with the effects of disease; the continued efforts of the Safeguarding initiatives to keep children and vulnerable adults in our Church and communities safe from harm; the very important work of advancing the mission of the Church on a truly synodal path which allows for new structures of involvement and greater participation; and the training of Jesuits across this continent to carry forward these labours in the years ahead. This will be my last year as President of JCAM and more than ever before I find myself saying that we could not do what we do without your very generous support in prayer and in giving in so many other ways. Thank you! Asanteni! Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ, President of JCAM