14 JCAM 2021 Annual Review climate-vulnerable nations who need urgent and radical responses rather than half commitments? Coal has been described as the worst fossil fuel for greenhouse gases and therefore must be dispensed with now! Broken and yet made stronger to imagine a planet we want World Leaders and other powerful people may have broken our hearts as they seemed to remain bent on defending and upholding the oppressive systems of capitalism. Some of them told us that the proposed actions needed to prevent sea level rise overwhelming sea shores and lands were ‘impossible’ or ‘not practical’. In many respects, many of us felt heartbroken and experienced the “fears, griefs and anxieties” that Gaudium et Spes locates in the ordinary folks Tree planting exercise out there who are left behind, half dead. © www.maxpixel.net But as the young Jamaican activist, Mikaela said at The Global Day of Action on the first Saturday of the climate meeting where over 100,000 people came together in the myself the space for my heart to break. So that the gold of city of Glasgow with 300 decentralised actions, “I will allow community can be poured into those cracks and make it stronger, make it bigger because every time my heart breaks; it is made stronger.’” As I walked amidst the large crowd of protestors and allowed myself to be bolstered by their courage and hope, I could imagine that “another world is possible”, that we could create another, more just world. During the long protest march we walked through the cold rain, and yet we felt the warmth as we still sang and danced carrying the joy produced by our faith that “justice was breaking forth like the noonday sun” (Cf. Psalm 37:6). We were people from all nations of the world and all walks of life, Trade Unions, students, different activist groups, migrant networks, faith groups, faith leaders and more joined the march. We felt a sense of community of brothers and sisters, a community we could embrace. We yelled for “climate justice now” that includes everyone. We bellowed for transformation because we can’t stand systems that UK based, Jamaican Climate Activist, Mikaela Loach oppress the weak and poor anymore. We still remain united © www.weshft.co/mikaela for a more just and healthier world and for a better future for all.