JCAM 2021 01 Annual Review Welcome FROM THE PRESIDENT Rev. Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ - President Dear Friends, Benefactors and all Companions in Mission, Somewhere in the text of this 2021 Yearbook Fr Charles Chilufya, Director of JENA, reminds us of the great document of Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, which speaks of the joys and hopes, the griefs and struggles of the whole world. Charles is using it as part of his article describing his attendance at COP 26 in Glasgow in November, a meeting which we were told was so critical to the healthy future of our planet. But I think too that the great themes of Gaudium et Spes are to be found in abundance throughout all of the articles in this collection: stories of women and men of faith and service doing whatever they can to build a community united in Christ; lay women and men, Jesuits and religious, young and old, all participating in an endeavour which is larger than any one of us but which brings us all together from every corner of the world with our desire and intention to be part of making good what is broken, setting free what is captive and healing what is sick, in Agbonkhianmeghe E. ourselves and in our society. Orobator, S.J. That is the work of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar – not that we do President of JCAM everything, but rather we do what we can in partnership with, and service of, the Jesuit Provinces and Region of this Conference. It is a work which always asks for more, for deeper engagement, for greater resource, for an ever more radical and complete love of God’s people. You, whoever you are and wherever you are in our world, have in some way chosen to be part of this labour for love and for that, and on behalf of all those whom we serve, and on behalf of my brother Jesuits and all of our wonderful collaborators, I offer you my prayers and gratitude. Without your support we would quite simply not be able to do what we read of here; and together we give thanks for that and praise the name of the Lord! Thank you! Asanteni! Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ President of JCAM