JCJCAM 2021AM 2021 0009 Annual RAnnual Revieweview Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM), through Prison Chaplaincy in Kenya. Besides running AHAPPY AJAN, seeks to journey with the youth. An example is the sessions with youth in prison, there is also formation of accompaniment of youth in prison which AJAN has pastoral agents working within prisons. Already, Catholic undertaken for a while now. These young offenders are catechists and a number of prison officers in Nairobi region wounded by blows from the law itself, the society and from have undergone AHAPPY Training of Trainers and are within, much as was St. Ignatius at the beginning of his carrying out integral growth formation of prisoners in their conversion. The walk AJAN takes with them is unique. As St. respective stations. Ignatius did during his spiritual renewal, it is a journey Collaborating in the Journey with the Youth in Prison backwards; accompanying the youth to retrace their steps to God, to themselves, all in order to realize and believe in An officer in charge of one of the youth institutions the good and the immense possibilities they are and reflect explained that, “the needs of the prisoners are enormous; the same to the society they live in. It is a transforming way we try our best, but we cannot provide everything. We rely to a new life. on others for help. We also experience high recidivism of This style of proceeding is grounded on three interlocking youth after release, others end up in the streets because pillars; 1) Ignatian Jubilee Year whose theme calls us to see they have no one to take them in or support their education, things anew in Christ. 2) Synodality, that, like a mother hen, so integration is another area we need to support.” This the church gathers all her children under her wings and appeal echoes in other prisons. Lack of basic items like leads them to walk attentive to their growth, all together, soaps, toothpaste/brushes/tissues, baby pampers, shoes, guided by the Holy Spirit. 3) Universal Apostolic Preferences clothes, blankets, scholastic materials, among others is a that invites Jesuits to be more intentional in mission, in our reality in prison facilities. The emergence of COVID-19 has case, to young people. aggravated the paucity since visits from relatives and friends were stopped. Besides trainings and The ministry of accompanying the youth to overcome their accompaniment, JCAM’s own personnel responded to this vulnerability in prison and elsewhere, is carried out through request by donating supplies in form of clothes, toiletries education using the AJAN HIV and Prevention Program for the and baby pampers, which is just a drop in a vast sea of needs. Youth (AHAPPY), a program developed by AJAN in 2013. It You are invited to take this journey with us to support the leads young people outside themselves, to grow into a youth particularly in prison. responsible African youth, living productive lives and In conclusion, as the Church has started its synodal journey working for the good of others and the improvement of the together to listen to the Holy Spirit and discern the will of continent. Based on the Ignatian principles of freedom and God for the Church in our contemporary time facing lots of ‘cura personalis’, AHAPPY takes into consideration the challenges and crises, AJAN is also walking with the Youth complexity of the vulnerability of the young and then seeks to empower them to address their own uncertainty, to promote an integral human development and the full shattered dreams, non-conformity with social laws and exercise of human dignity. It allows young people to change values etc. and embrace a flourishing life. In the footsteps of and adopt sustainable behaviours that promote a healthy St. Ignatius of Loyola, Jesuits of Africa and Madagascar state of mind, body and environment in order to enhance together with collaborators, partners, friends, funders, seek their good dispositions and build in them the esteem to feel to weave for the youth a garment of trust so that they march that they are on the right track. confidently to where the grass is green, to a This journey is a collaborative venture with the Catholic hope-filled future.