JCAM 2021 17 Annual Review sensitisation and awareness raising about taxes and public revenue after the tax justice sensitisation meetings that JENA and JHC organised. As a result of their actions, more businesses formally registered their enterprises and paid their taxes. Some participants demanded from their local government’s services like rehabilitation of their local hospital, improving sanitation for business locations. They further engaged community members to discuss issues like the increasing national debt. In all these, JENA was driven to promote tax justice awareness to contribute to reducing and eventually ending the injustice of poverty, guided by JENA’s strategic plan of 2019-2023. Inequality and exclusion continue to exacerbate poverty. Confronting poverty is important in attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For JENA, this motivation is rooted in the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs), especially of walking with the excluded: the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated. It also encompasses the effort to journey with and support the youth to give them hope for a better future, as well as care for our common home, the earth. If this major work being trialled here in Kenya is successful it can then be extended through other countries within Africa and in Madagascar. Civil society representatives who participated in the workshop in Kisumu Archdiocese © JENA