JCAM 2021 41 Annual Review JCAM Expenditure 2021 (EUR) JCAM Support for Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa 12,750 5.11% 75,000 JCAM support for JENA/Justice 6.99% and Ecology 12,750 EXPENDITURE 102,585 9.94% FACSI Project - The Gambia €1,468,224 146,000 15,000 Throughout 2021 JCAM has continued its 10.80% JCAM Support for AJAN support for the training of Jesuits in Africa and 158,615 17,000 Madagascar. It has also continued its extensive programme of JCAM support for ITCJ, Safeguarding training. Cote d'Ivoire 75,000 Much of the new grant income is now being 18.00% expensed in the areas of Preparing for the 264,321 AJAN grants to field partners Synod on Synodality, COVID vaccine and core expenses 102,585 advocacy, supporting women and girls in education, tax justice and in AJAN the training and support of those living with HIV/Aids. JCAM led Safeguarding work 20.84% 146,000 The percentage of our income which is used in 306,000 administration continues to fall and in 2021 JCAM administration costs - was only 7%. salaries, insurance, travel Any surplus in the year is almost all 158,615 un-expensed grant income and this will be JENA Projects - advocacy, ecology, utilised in 2022. tax justice, silence the guns etc. 264,321 24.40% Support to JCAM Provs using 358,203 formation centres in Conference 306,000 Training of Jesuits in special studies and formation costs 358,203