65. Spectacled Weaver The Spectacled Weaver is not short- or long-sighted: it is just that the bright yellow eye in the middle of the black eye-mask looks a bit like spectacles. There are a lot of weavers, and a lot of them are yellow; so finding distinctive names for them is not easy. They’re justly famous for their intricately woven nests from grass stems or similar material. Many of their nests are globular, with more or less elaborate entrances, suspended usually from very slender branches, and quite often over water. It’s all about making it as difficult as possible for unwelcome guests to get in and steal eggs or chicks. Some weavers make their nests accessible only by wriggling up long hanging entrance tubes; others provide a fake entrance to fool predators while the eggs remain safe in a hidden compartment. Nest-building is a furious activity and a very serious business. Males must first build and then sing as loudly as possible to attract a mate. She will inspect the nest thoroughly, and if she disapproves she will demolish it and seek a mate with higher standards. For their part, males sensibly hedge their bets, doubling their chances by building more than one nest. Birds of AFRICAMA House 134 Birds of AFRICAMA House 135