18. Rock Dove Interestingly, one of my books tells me that this bird is found all over Kenya, while another indicates only smallish areas in Sudan, northern Chad and into Niger and Mali: Kenya is blank. That they have been in Nairobi, and at least one at Africama might sound rather strange and even, for a serious birdwatcher, exciting. They are always on the look-out for unusual sightings. But this bird is not one of those. In fact, what is called a ‘Rock Pigeon’, which now sounds rather hip and ‘swinging-sixties’, used to be called a ‘Feral Pigeon’, which carries less kudos, I fear. For a feral species is an introduced species (introduced by humans) that has escaped and is now “widespread in cities and towns throughout the region… No wild Rock Doves occur in the region,” only feral ones, the book states rather sternly. Much the same, it must be admitted, could be said of Africama’s chickens, ducks and turkeys which I decided should not feature in this book. Birds of AFRICAMA House 41