9. Black Kite The first thing to note here is that the Black Kite is not black; it’s actually many different shades, and individuals and populations vary in plumage colour. But, at a distance and especially when silhouetted against a bright sky, they do look quite dark. Elsewhere they are called Yellow-billed Kites, which seems more sensible (they also have yellow feet). They inhabit open country with trees near water, but are very present and visible in cities and towns. They are common in Nairobi, and I am pretty sure but not certain that a couple are roosting, or perhaps even nesting, in some of the tall trees in Africama garden. Cities are good for them, though, for they are accustomed to living among humans and can scavenge from rubbish tips; some of them, indeed, have become accomplished aerial acrobats. I have seen them snatch food out of the hands of small children and the experienced ones will swoop to catch food thrown up into the air in their presence. According to the distribution map, they are omnipresent south of the Sahara. They are a common sight, wheeling and mewing, navigating with their forked tails, keen eyes raking the ground for anything edible. Birds of AFRICAMA House 22 Birds of AFRICAMA House 23