JCAM President Introduction & Acknowledgements Africama House is the headquaters of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and These 76 species were all seen in or over Africama, but our domestic boundaries Madagascar (JCAM) and home to a vibrant and rich collection of flora and signify nothing to them, and there were more I didn’t see or couldn’t identify. I’ve fauna. Fr. Stephen Buckland’s splendid booklet on the birds of Africa celebrates used Stevenson and Fanshawe’s Birds of East Africa (second edition) as my basic the wonderful gift of nature to the Society of Jesus in Africa and Madagascar guide. I am very grateful to Fr Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator for his invitation and reflects our mission to collaborate in the care of our Common Home. This to do this count and his support; to Fr John the Baptist Anyeh, superior, and collection illustrates the words of Pope Francis that “The very flowers of the Fr Paul Hamill, minister; to Bryan Galligan for his scientific advice (though all field and the birds which Jesus’ human eyes contemplated and admired are now mistakes are mine); and to the community for much fraternal hospitality and imbued with his radiant presence” (Laudato si’, no. 100). May you experience companionship. Anastasia Makunu and Vincent Sylvester Wada of JCAM God’s radiant presence in the melodious chirping, lively colours and fascinating communications gave their time and skill generously to produce this beautiful activities of the birds of Africama! book: I am grateful. Special thanks to Fr Mike Lewis whose list of Africama birds I built upon; and to Fr Peter Knox, whose sightings are also included, for our – Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator SJ (JCAM President) enjoyable birding trips during my stay. This part of Nairobi is still very rich in birdlife: how long, we must wonder, will we be blessed in such abundance? We pray to St Nathaniel, patron saint of ‘twitchers’ who, being an Israelite entirely without guile, was, as I believe, watching birds when Jesus saw him under the fig tree. – Stephen Buckland, SJ