73. Red-backed Mannikin This Red-backed Mannikin is not considered a species on its own, but a ‘race’, i.e. a subgroup, of the species Black-and-White Mannikin. You have to look carefully in the bird guide to find it. The Black-and-White is not on our list, and for good reason: it lives and operates in the western part of East Africa, mostly on the Ugandan side of Lake Victoria, through Rwanda and Burundi. It has probably never been seen at Africama. But its sub-group, the Red-backed, is common in this area and has been seen here. So two ‘races’ of one species do not overlap in territory and have distinguishing characteristics, but are grouped together as one species. Of course habitat – altitude, climate, particular kinds of food resources etc. – must be what ultimately determines where birds establish settled populations. And when suitable habitats become overcrowded or reduced in size, birds and other animals will have to move to survive. Inevitably, some will not. Tracking bird populations and distribution can therefore provide a quite sensitive criterion for monitoring degradation and the effects of climate change. Birds of AFRICAMA House 150 Birds of AFRICAMA House 151