ks ar le P lenda Statue of Miss American Adams Square Gas Station ks in G Green Cross Adams Square Mini Park ar Brand Park 1020 E. Palmer Ave., Glendale, CA 91205 1601 W. Mountain St., Glendale, CA 91201 Park Hours of Operation Park Hours of Operation Daily: 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM Daily: 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM On December 8, 2015, the Glendale City Council approved andm The Statue of Miss American Green Cross is a 10-foot- official listing of the Adams Square Gas Station (originally high bronze cast statue located in Brand Park, the Richfield Oil Gas Station) on the Glendale Register of adjacent to the Brand Library & Art Center. The statue Historic Resources. was created by sculptor Frederick Willard Potter and dedicated in 1928. Verlyn Sumner was the model for the The 2015 landmark nomination, made by the City of work. The American Green Cross Society was Glendale’s Historic Preservation Commission, was part formally created as a successor to the American of an initiative to facilitate formal designation of several Reforestation Association on December 3, 1926. The significant City-owned properties. The Adams Square American Green Cross was an organization dedicated mini-park project was completed in 2007 by the City of Historic L to preserving the country's forests, with headquarters based in Glendale. Glendale in an effort to create a green space in the center of the local business district for the densely populated Adams Hill neighborhood, and to incorporate The statue was originally displayed at the Glendale High the historic 1936 Streamline Moderne Gas Station. School campus. It was moved in the 1930s and re- mained lost for two decades. In 1954, the statue was discovered in a remote canyon in Brand Park, though its large base was not present. The statue was designated as one of the original Glendale city landmarks in 1977, by which time it had become damaged by vandals, its arms lost, and its cross and logs deteriorated. It was placed in storage at the Brand Park maintenance yard in the early 1980s. It was restored by the city at a cost of $60,000-$65,000 with the assistance of sculptor Ron Pekar. Its base and arms were recreated based on a historic photograph. The renovated statue was dedicated in September 1992 at its new location adjacent to the Brand Library. The statue was added as one of the inaugural entries on the Glendale Register of Historic Resources (GRHR No. 12) in 1997. Page 54 | Fall 2024

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