GLENDALE OUTDOORS! (GO!) Stone Bar COMMUNITY PROGRAM Deukmejian Wilderness Park 3429 Markridge Road, La Crescenta, CA 91214 Saturdays: September 14, 2024 | October 12, 2024 | WANDER THE WILDERNESS BUS November 9, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM The Wilderness is Calling and FREE and open to all families Wander the Wilderness Bus is Answering! n Na Enjoy Deukmejian Wilderness Park without worrying about how to get there. Wander the Wilderness Bus is a FREE shuttle operating tur every weekend to help you and your family get to the park. e Center Pr For more information, visit Funding for the bus is provided by Metro, a partner in our community. See full-page flyer on page 11. og r a ms With a different nature theme each month, this free family nature program is all about getting outdoors and exploring nature in a new way! Join us for a slow, interpretive hike, nature craft, and a tour of the Stone Barn Nature Center with refreshments and snacks provided. A FREE bus leaves from Pacific Community Center, 501 S. Pacific Ave. at 8:30 AM and returns at 12:30 PM Everyone is encouraged to ride the bus, but you may choose to meet us at the park. Funding for the bus is provided by Metro, a partner in our community. Important information: • If you are riding the bus, please arrive by 8:15 AM to check in with staff. • Free bus leaves from Pacific Community Center, 501 S. Pacific Ave., at 8:30 AM and returns at 12:30 PM • Please wear sturdy shoes and protective clothing, and bring a reusable water bottle. • Adult supervision is required! One adult for every three children 17 and under is required. • For more information please call (818) 937-7428. Each person planning to attend must RSVP, including children and adults, by visiting | Page 27

City of Glendale Fall 2024 Leisure Guide - Page 27 City of Glendale Fall 2024 Leisure Guide Page 26 Page 28