Class R e gistr Contact the Customer Service office at (818) 548-2184 Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM a tion I ONLINE REGISTRATION REGISTRATION LOCATIONS: nf Our online registration service allows you to register for activities through the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Below you Register for Classes & Camps at will find instructions that will help you establish a customer any one of the following locations: or account, ID# and a password. Please read all the information online, especially sections regarding residency and refunds. ma Civic Auditorium Step 1: Find our website: (In person, phone, and online registrations will be accepted.) tion Step 2: Log in with your credentials. If you have never 1401 North Verdugo Rd., Glendale, 91208 logged in before, set up an online account. Be sure to add (818) 548-2752 or (818) 548-2184 all of your family members. If you have forgotten your login credentials, please call (818) 548-2184 or email [email protected]. Adult Recreation Center Step 3: Browse activities. Click on Activity Search, and Central Park Complex Search Activities. 201 E. Colorado St., Glendale, CA 91205 (818) 548-3775 Step 4: Select activities by clicking on the shopping cart icon. Step 5: Pay for activities by clicking on shopping cart on the Glendale Sports Complex top right of your screen. 2200 Fern Lane, Glendale, CA 91208 (818) 548-6420 REGISTRATION REFUND POLICY Maple Park Community Center • Refunds are not available online. 820 E. Maple St., Glendale, CA 91205 • Contract classes or activities not reaching minimum (818) 548-3783 numbers by the first week of classes may be cancelled and fees refunded. Service fees will not be refunded, in the event of class cancellation. Pacific Community Center & Pool • Full refund, less an administrative fee, may be given if a refund is requested prior to start of programs/classes. 501-509 South Pacific Ave., Glendale, CA 91204 (818) 548-4098; (818) 937-7433 • Refunds requested after start of the program/class are contingent upon City approval and will only be considered through the conclusion of second week of scheduled class or second day of camp, and will be Sparr Heights Community Center prorated. 1613 Glencoe Way, Glendale, CA 91208 • No refunds offered for Aquatics programs or classes. (818) 548-2187 For more information, call (818) 548-2752 or (818) 548-2184. | Page 31

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