THINGS TO CELEBRATE THE FUTURE LEAP NETWORK The Future Leap Network is an international community of over 400 like-minded changemakers and organisations who want to do the right thing for people and the planet. Our goal is to facilitate collaboration between Network members and help accelerate their sustainability journeys. We do this by providing them with a huge range of benefits. These benefits include free access to the co-working lounge at the Future Leap Hub, a packed calendar of networking socials and informative events, and a one-on-one meeting with a member of the Future Leap team to help them define their strategy and personally put them in touch with the right contacts that can help them make their sustainability ambitions a reality. FUTURE LEAP TALKS, COURSES & EVENTS Future Leap’s in-person and hybrid talks, courses and events are an excellent way for Network members and other interested parties to learn about sustainability and connect with people and potential business partners from all around the world. We regularly collect and review feedback to ensure we’re providing the most useful content and networking opportunities for our customers to enjoy. 59
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