Mobing u Crnoj Gori 2.9 Possession of unaccredited doctorate • ZUGIC is the recipient of a fake PHD in Economics, which was granted by a private institution owned by the problematic Atlas Bank in 2011, when he was supervising the bank. In January 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that the Atlas Bank-owned Faculty of Banking, Insurance and Finance of the Belgrade Banking Academy (‘BBA’) lacked the legal accreditation 32 or authority to issue such degrees. Other relatives and associates of ZUGIC also received 33 diplomas from the institution. 2.10 Suspected facilitation of tax evasion • The EU Delegation in Podgorica sponsored an investigative journalism award winning serial “The big tax break”, which found that, during his term as finance minister, ZUGIC enabled tax evasion that benefited his friends at a budgetary cost of EUR 500 million. Specifically, ZUGIC signed bylaws enabling tax debt swaps for useless debtors’ real estate (valued by his 34 close friend at inflated prices) to privileged private companies. 2.11 Dismissal of CBM Deputy Governor Irena RADOVIC • In July 2018, Parliament voted to dismiss CBM Deputy Governor Irena RADOVIC while she was out of the country on a business trip, finding her to have not supported the policy of ZUGIC. Furthermore, RADOVIC was accused of incompetence and of revealing a CBM business secret to court. RADOVIC claims that the real reason for her dismissal was her refusal to 35 participate in corrupt and illegal activities at the CBM under ZUGIC’s direction, citing instructions to allow banks to operate without supervision and to sack the CEO of Addiko bank without any legal basis. In various court cases RADOVIC’s dismissal was judged unlawful, but the Supreme Court has since issued an opinion stating that courts had no right to question 36 the legality of decisions taken by Parliament. 2.12 Suspected solicitation of arbitrary discrimination • In May 2018, the lawyer Nebojsa ASANOVIC filed a criminal complaint against officials of the Tax Administration, whom he claimed had opened discriminatory legal proceedings against him over alleged tax evasion. ASANOVIC noted that no other lawyers in the country were subject to such proceedings. Furthermore, ASANOVIC said that the chief tax inspector at the time, Sinisa KOVACEVIC, was the brother-in-law of ZUGIC, whom he claimed was seeking revenge over ASANOVIC’s successful representation of the daily newspaper ‘Dan’ in a 37 libel case. 32 33 knezevica-pa-ga-zaobilazili-za-kontrolu/ 34;; 35 dismissal-of-anti-corruption-campaigner/ 36 recourse 37 196

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