Padmanabhan Pandava Tirtham: Sri Ramana Maharshi Pandava Tirtham is a small tank located to the east of the ashram near Agni Lingam. In the early days of Sri Ramanasramam, Bhagavan often used to bathe in this tank. In his boyhood, Bhagavan was known for his swimming ability. He and Kavyakanta Ganapathi Muni often used to swim in this tank and try to excel each other in swimming. Another interesting incident concern ing Pandava Tirtham is narrated by Bhagavan’s boyhood friend, Vilacheri Ranga Iyer. One day Bhagavan told me (Ranga Iyer), “Let us go to Pandava Thirtham and swim in it. Could you swim now?” I replied I had not forgotten swimming and would go with him. The next morning at 3 a.m. we went accordingly, swam there, and played in the water and returned before people could come there for their daily bath. Bha gavan told me, “Let us go like this from tomorrow. But we must go early and return before people come there for their baths.” I said “Yes.” We swam like this for a few days. One day at 4 a.m., Bhagavan woke me up to go to Pandava Thirtham to swim. A dikshitar of Ayyankullam who was sleeping nearby began scratching the floor. Bhagavan asked him to see if it was a spindle. Thereupon the Dikshitar explaine d Bhagavan was referring to the dream which he had just then. It seems he was just then dreaming that he was in his own village, that ‘Avani-avittam’ was approaching and that to spin yarn for making the sacred thread (poonool), he was searching for a spindle. On 28th June 2017, with permission from local authorities, the Ashram initiated the renovation of Pandava Tirtham. Flanked by Arjuna and Bhima Tir thas, Pandava Tirtha was thoroughly cleaned, excavated and restored over the next few months. Another extensive renovation of this tank has been started recently in August 2022. This renovation is under progress. A TO Z INDIA SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 17

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