Bhavani Worrying is a very serious problem, which we are unable to handle and suffer greatly. Who can we give our worries to? There is only one – it is God alone. He only can handle them. God will accept our worries if we are his devotees. God is all powerful. He can handle what no one can. If we cannot handle a problem, we have to give it to someone who can. Of course, you have to have complete faith in the power of God and his willingness to save you from any kind of harm arising from a real or imaginary source. Understand this and peace will prevail ! Let Go and Let God, the simple and powerful mantra. Whatever that you struggling with today, let it go and let God take care of it. Trust God fully with your life. Give all your worries and cares to HIM for he cares for you. When God is in control, we hav e nothing to fear. He is our rescuer, our help in times of trouble, and in every way — He is our ultimate lifeguard. Step out in faith, knowing you don’t have to be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest to survive the challenges life sends your way. God has a plan for you, and a purpose for your life, grander than you could ever imagine. Let the knowledge of the Lord’s presence, power, and love f or you guide your footsteps, and reassure you in all things. Surrender and experience peace. Surrender is not simply a word. It is the last action after which God alone does and you smile realizing that all is well, always. So, whatever that is you worrying about , surrender and give it to God. Let him take care of it! Let Go and Let God...! Love & Peace: A TO Z INDIA ● MAY 2022 ● PAGE 14