Kokila A TO Z INDIA ● MAY 2022 ● PAGE 6 The Great Mosque of Aurangzeb or Gyan Vapi Mosque The Holy city, Benares: Aurangzeb's mosque, Benares seen from the river - 1814. Water- color painting of Aurangzeb's mosque at Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh seen across the River Ganges by Robert Smith (1787-1873) in 1814- 15. Inscribed on the mount in pencil is: ' Benares.' The Great Mosque of Aurangzeb or Gyan Vapi Mosque was built in the late 17th century. It has two colossal minarets towering over 70 metr es (232 feet) above the River Ganges. It was built on the site of one of the most sacred temples at Varanasi by the Emperor Aurangzeb (1658- 1707). Its simple white domes loom over the Gyan Vapi (Wisdom Well), which is situated immediately north and housed in an open-arcaded hall built in 1828. It is said Shiva cooled his lingam on this spot after the construction of the original Vishwanatha temple, the principal sanctuary dedicated to him in the city. The mosque is architecturally a blend of Islamic and Hindu architecture. The mosque has high domes and minarets. Two of its minarets were damaged; one minaret collapsed killing a few people and the other was officially brought down owing to stability concerns. In October lamps are lighted on top of a bamboo staff as a mark of guidance to the ancesto rs.