Santha Moovar Koil, aptly named in Tamil which literally means “Three temples”. The temple complex originally consisted of three almost identical temples standing in a line facing west, but only two have survived. In front of the Three, their front ardha-mandapas connecting to a common maha-mandapa and surrounding the main shrines are sixteen shrines for the subsidiary deities (parivara devatas). Among these , only the two (central and the southern) temples are intact in full and rest of the structures with only basement and pathways. The temple is adorned with beautiful sculptures of Siva as Ardhanari, Bhikshatana, Umasahita, Gangadhara, Kalari, other gods and apsaras. The remarkable one is ‘Bhara Siva’ - Shiva shown holding a linga over his shoulders as a representation of the practice of carrying ishta- lingas or movable linga. Place: Kodumbalur (erstwhile Capital of Irukkuvelir which is referred as ‘Kodumbai’ in Tamil epic ‘Silappatikaram’), now a village in Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu. Period: Commissioned by Irukkuvel Chief Bhooti Vikramakesari on behalf of himself and his two wives, Katrali and Varaguna between 9th-10th Century. Irukkuvel were connected to the Cholas matrimonially, making them taking side of the Cholas against fights with the Pallavas and the Pandyas. A TO Z INDIA ● MARCH 2022 ● PAGE 8 Magnificent Moovar Koil Exploring India: