Mithun The man added, "They say I had went home 6 months ago after the temple was closed and only today I had come back after 6 months. But how could one live here for six months?" Pandit ji and the whole group were surprised. How could a single person survive for six months in that cold. Then that devotee told him about his meeting with the Sanyasi Baba and all the things he had talked with him... That a mon k came, he was tall, large, with a trishul in one hand and a drum in the other hand, wearing an antelope. Pandit ji and everyone else fell at the man's feet. Pandit ji explained to the man that he spent his entire life but could not get the darshan of God, but he was the true devotee of Lord Shiva. "You have visited Lord Shiva in reality. Lord Shiva had turned your 6 months into one night with his yog a-maya. Shiva had shortened the entire period. It all happened because of your pure holy mind and true faith. Salute to your devotion". Hail Lord Shiva..... A TO Z INDIA JULY 2022 PAGE 14 Cultural India: "Why is Lord Kedarnath called 'Jagrut Mahadev'?"