Srinivasan A TO Z INDIA ● FEBRUARY 2022 ● PAGE 19 There is no greater wealth on earth than peace of mind. To be at peace with yourself is to accept yourself with all your limitations, frailties and insecurities. But it also entails rising above the petty boundaries of animosities, prejudices, and trying to be happy with what one has. Holistic health experts, nowadays, place much importance on achieving peace of mind. They say that peace of mind is a part icular emotional and psychological state in which the mind experiences utmost happiness, a sense of calm, and, most importantly, a feeling of contentment. What is the meaning of peace of mind? The dictionary definition of peace of mind is ‘a feeling of being safe and protected’. However, it also means to be without worry, anxiety, and stress. Therefore, the very phrase, ‘peace of mind’, involves a range of emotions. It starts with a feeling of being secure. From this sense of security, emerges a sense of undiluted happiness. This happiness cannot be artificially achieved but has to be organically felt. Finally, this happiness also brings about a sense of positivity and optimism about what the future holds. The importance of peace of mind cannot be overemphasized in our daily lives. With levels of stress inc reasing, it is hard to be at peace with oneself. But having peace of mind in daily life is crucial for overall wellness. Reduces Stress: Stress can lead to a range of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Hair experts say that stress also happens to be the primary cause of hair loss and hair damage. Reducing stress leads to physical wellness and allows you to lead a healthy life. Promotes optimism: Attitude is the key to success. A positive attitude fills you up with hope and energy. You can work harder and try to achieve things, which you previously thought were impossible to be achieved. Reduces fear and anxiety: Feeling anxious or fearful can sap your energy and affect your working ability. This may hamper both your personal and professional lives. Having peace of mind can lesse n your chances of being fearful and can significantly improve the overall quality of life.! Om Namah Shivaya! What is the meaning of peace of mind? The importance of peace of mind: