Srinivasan A TO Z INDIA ● FEBRUARY 2022 ● PAGE 28 Shiva is Aadi, Shiva is Anant Hinduism: Shiva is Aadi, Shiva is Anant. Shiva is nirakaar. Shiva Has No Form Yet It Is In All Forms. In the Rudra- abhishekam, it is said, 'Virupe-bhyo vishva-rupe bhyash-cha vo namo namah'. Virupe-bhyo means, that one which has no form and, Vishva-rupe-bhyo means, yet it is in all the forms of the universe. Everything, all forms are the manifestation of the formless Shiva. Shiva is the consciousness t hat present all over; it is an energy field. Shiva is never born and he has no end. He is eternal. He is the fourth state of consciousness, known as the 'Turiya avasta' (the meditative state), that is beyond the waking, sleeping and dreaming state. Shiva is the eternal ocean of infinity from which all existence is manifest and into which all the existence is dissolved. Shiva is limitless, unfathomable , attributeless , unchanging and eternal.

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