Hello everyone... My first article on this magazine starting with an unknown historic site... Everyone has heard about Markandeya Hill in Vokkaleri. But this hill is just nearby to Markandeya Hill, known as Bili Betta (meaning white hill). Bili Betta is located near Markandeya Hill, Vokkaleri, Kolar District, Karnataka. Bili Betta is related to the Ramayana epic. The author of Ramayana, Rishi Valmiki had conducted his routine rituals here. With the help of ashes from the ritual he conducted (Yagna), Rishi Valmiki drew a picture of Lord Anjaneyaswamy on the rock located there. This picture is said to have developed into an idol by the rishi's penance and yagna. Currently, there is Anjaneyaswamy Temple located on the hill. The idol is believed to be more than 6000 years old. There are two water retain ing sites on the hill named Rama theertha and Lakshmana theertha. These are said to have been used by the great Sage Valmiki. Bili Betta, near Markandeya Hill, Vokkaleri, Kolar District, Karnataka Kusal Ancient Cultural Site in India: A TO Z INDIA ● DECEMBER 2021 ● PAGE 14