Srinivasan Vishwanatha, the Master of Kashi, who is totally devoid of any lacunae like passion and is very affectionate to His people, who is the abode of detachment and peace, and is the support of Girija, and who shines with courage and sweetness, and is completely at peace with Himself inspite of the poison in His throat. Hara Hara Mahadev Shambhu Kashi Vishwanath Gange ! A TO Z INDIA ● APRIL 2022 ● PAGE 19 Salutat ions to the Lord Vishwanatha, the Master of Kashi, who is like a lion to the elephants i.e. people intoxicated by sinful acts, is like the eagle to the serpents i.e. the demon-chiefs, and is like the forest fire to the forests of old age, grief and death. Salutations to the Lord Vishwanatha, the Master of Kashi, the One without the second, who has many auspicious qualities, who is at the same time attribu teless, who has emerged from the very source of bliss, who is one with the serpents, who transcends all the attributes being the very embodiment of the Atma (the Supreme Principle). Salutations to the Lord Vishwanatha, the Master of Kashi, by giving up all desires, criticism of others and involvement in any sinful acts and by Salutations to the Lord Vishwanatha The Master of Kashi: steadying the mind in communion with the supreme Lord residing in the lotus of the heart. Salutations to the Lord