Indian History Awareness and Research (IHAR): Together We Can Make a Difference Aakash The Indic civilization has been under assault for several centuries now, in a violent debilitating process that has led to the loss of knowledge, severe restrictions on the civilization, and an impoverishment of mind and body. Today we see intensified assaults on the Indic civilization from all sides - media, academia, government, judicial, missionaries, naxals, commies, leftists, deracinated natives, and foreign bodies. The common link and driver in all these bodies is the upholding of an unchallenged bigoted narrative on the Indic civilization. Distortions, biases, misrepresentations, omissions, demonization, criminalization and outright destruction of the Indic narrative by the above has led to widespread internalization of a jaundiced, Hindu phobic view of the Indic civilization, leading to a total loss of identity. Do you value the works by Indian History Awareness and Research (IHAR) in bringing a strong, factual evidence-based narration of the Indic civilization, and seeking to reverse centuries of distortions? IHAR conducts schoolteacher workshops each year. Members of IHAR write well-researched conference papers, books and articles. Our public outreach talks and videos reach several thousands each year in several cities in India and USA. We propose to scale up our efforts in conducting more workshops and conferences, seeking textbook reviews in more states, to write books and to have more outreach events. For all this, we need your valuable support. Now is your chance to show that you care. Please show your strong support for the Indic narrative by funding IHAR. Let us reclaim ownership of our intellectual space, and the narrative of our civilization. Help us to inform, empower, and to describe a strong Indic identity. A TO Z INDIA ● MAY 2023 ● PAGE 35

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