2. Dhana Lakshmi While the literal translation of dhana is “wealth” in terms of money, gold, property, or any other sort of tangible monetary utility, dhana also refers to qualities like willpower, strength, courage, determination, and perseverance. As such, Dhana Lakshmi is believed to show favor to those who work hard by providing the wealth and prosperity required for them to become the best versions of themselves. Draped with jewelry and seated on a pink lotus, Dhana Lakshmi is depicted with six hands — one wielding a discus (symbolizing time, purity of mind, and protection), one with a conch (symbolizing creation), one with a bow and arrow, one with a water pitcher (symbolizing elixir of life), one with a lotus, and one in Abhaya mudra with gold coins flowing from the palm. Dhana Lakshmi is a storehouse of all the universe’s wealth, helping to fulfill the potential of those who resolve to conquer the mind and persevere despite all difficulties.

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