If any numbers match: your Assassination Attempt succeeds and both the Assassin and the Guard are discarded. If any numbers do not match: your Assassination Attempt fails, discard your Assassin and leave the Guard in play face down. However, your opponent shows you a random card from their hand — even when skilled assassins fail, they can still extract some information from their targets. *The player initiating the assassination decides how all cards are placed into the Discard Pile. Example: John makes an Assassination Attempt on Cathy’s face-down Guard. John uses “Fortune Teller” with a Code of 9-1-2. Cathy secretly checks the Code on her guard which is 3-4-5. Since there are no numbers in common between the two Codes the assassination attempt fails. John discards “Fortune Teller.” “Switch Places” remains in play as a face-down Guard and Cathy randomly reveals a card in her hand to John. 17 Assassination (detailed explanation)