Will you be able to access your opponent’s Classi昀椀ed Information? In the pursuit of political supremacy, knowledge is key. Since the revolution, two factions have been 昀椀ghting for power in the dystopian, cyberpunk city of Intellexia. In order to break the years-long deadlock and win the 昀椀ght for control of the city, each faction must uncover their adversary’s secret plans hidden inside their top secret, code-protected Suitcase. When one of the factions can crack the Code and get their hands on the “Classi昀椀ed Information” of the other, they will carry the day. To aid them in their objective, each faction employs the skills of a variety of specialists from three separate guilds. These Assassins, Guards and Sentinels are the boots on the ground in this clandestine 昀椀ght. The Guards, masters of security, protect the Suitcase. Assassins specialize in in昀椀ltration and elimination. The Sentinels, highly skilled and versatile, can act as both defenders and attackers. Knowing when to deploy each is crucial to achieving victory. Players must navigate this covert landscape, strategically learning information about their opponent’s Suitcase while protecting their own, in a relentless pursuit of power and control. 1 Introduction