Keep Guard in same face-up/face- down orientation. Assassination of Extra Protection works the same as a face-up Guard. Treat as 1/2 a Guard for purposes of breaking ties at the end of the game. (7) Wheel of Fate Flip one of your Guards face up. Opponent must tell you if that Guard’s number is in their Code. Note: Flipped Guards remain 昀氀ipped for the remainder of the game. You may target a Guard already 昀氀ipped face up. (8) Neutralize Target Flip an opponent’s Guard face up AND/OR rearrange the Discard Pile AND/OR secretly look at the bottom two cards of the Draw Deck. You may choose any or all of the options. Note: The discard pile should be splayed vertically so that previously played Card Numbers are in full view. 3 Card Appendix - Citrine Deck