WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2022 BELLINGEN SHIRE NEWS – PAGE 7 ts a testament to our greater community spirit that so many Ilocal groups and organisations are currently on the hunt for new members to swell their ranks. It stretches across the full spectrum of ages, too – from playgroups, to Mens Sheds and CWAs. Suffi ce to say, if you feel the niggling urge to get out and try something new, youll likely fi nd a group happy to show you the ropes. Ive had a brief time away from the Mid North Coast, swapping our valley to my once-upon-a-time home in the Bega Valley. From there I swung past Sydney to visit friends before returning north, and while theres plenty of excitements that the City has to off er, it really brought home just how remarkable this Shire is. Th e wildlife, the dizzying natural splendour, and perhaps most of all, the community. Ill stop before I start insisting we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but theres a lot to be thankful for just by living in these parts. Of course, its not always the easiest place to live, as the ongoing housing crisis readily attests. Yet its heartening to see organisations like the Dorrigo Neighbourhood Centre launching their community meal program, and the local concern for preserving our ecological heritage. Th is edition, weve dedicated our front page to showcasing the Councils new Ageing Well Strategy Consultation. Its a chance to have your say in quite an important document, informing the future policies that will help shape the support and engagement that local government can off er our senior population. Finally, a little bird tells me that our evergreen, ever-smiling sports and entertainment reporter may be making a return again just in time for Edition 20 – lets keep our fi ngers crossed, shall we, that a certain wordsmith may once more hit the Marks ... ur Shires Community Vision 2035 is a peoples plan, and Opaints a clear picture of how we as a community see our Shire evolve towards 2035. Our Vision highlights the aspirations and strategic directions we as community will take to remain connected, sustainable and creative. In order to enable our plan, Council plays a key role in delivering services to our community. However, not all the commitments are within our control and therefore responsibility for achieving our long-term goals rests with everyone, including Council, other levels KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED: in Brierfield and beyond while adventurous echidnas are out exploring of government, businesses, community organisations, as well as our residents. So when not in direct control or partnership, Council gives voice to the needs and aspirations of the community by advocating for changes in policy and action at relevant levels of government and industry to bring about the best outcomes for our community. At last weeks Council meeting, I called on our Councillors to Supporting our I was inspired to return to however my heart went out to frequency, maximum heights support the local government campaign on the fi nancial accounting Pacific neighbours Australia and raise funds for these children. It seems like a and overall severity of fl ooding treatment of Rural Fire Service (RFS) mobile assets known as the ecently I attended the such a worthy cause and help small ask to help our Pacifi c and fl ash-fl ooding in the valley. ‘Red Fleet. Ropening of the Sri Sathya to ensure that this magnifi cent neighbours. I know if it was my When these man-made, Th is long-standing dispute over the accounting treatment of the Sai Sanjeevani Childrens Heart hospital operates for many child, I would be desperate to government-sponsored disasters Red Fleet has come to a head with the Auditor-Generals 2021 Hospital in Fiji. decades to come. access the lifesaving surgery. damage or destroy the homes, Report on Local Government. Th e Audit Report reemphasises the Th e state-of-the-art paediatric It has been through the love All donations over $2 are farmland, livestock, and State Government determination that RFS assets are the “property” hospital provides surgery, free of and kindness of people and tax deductible and sent to the businesses at Kalang, Brierfi eld, of Councils and must be recorded in Councils fi nancial statements. cost, to children in Fiji and the organisations around the world hospital via Health In Kind, an Newry Island and Urunga, will Council, therefore, is required to absorb all depreciation costs. Pacifi c suff ering from congenital that it stands today, however, Australian not-for-profi t charity. the Premier and his government Th is dispute, directly with the State Government, does not heart disease (CHD). the challenge now is to generate All those working at Health In adequately compensate the discount Councils complete support of our local RFS Brigades, and Each year, 200 children in enough funds to cover the Kind are volunteers including victims? No, they will not. recognises the valuable contribution each and every volunteer makes Fiji are born with CHD and visiting surgical teams until such the doctors and nurses. I beseech him to do the right to our community. However, should the Council recognise the RFS over 2500 throughout the time that surgeons in Fiji can be thing, match his words with assets in its fi nancial statements, it will have a detrimental impact Pacifi c region. Sadly, most of trained. Kathryn Edmunds actions and pull the plug on this on the operating result of Council in the order of approximately these children do not reach Given that each surgery costs ridiculous, costly and highly $500,000 per annum. adulthood. $13,000, I am reaching out to Save Kalang catchment destructive project. Bellingen Shire Council derecognised RFS Assets in 2016 and this Over a period of three weeks, those within our community he NSW Premier Dominic Peter Miethke issue has been discussed by the Council Audit, Risk and Improvement I was fortunate to observe and further afi eld who may be TPerottet wants to have Kalang Committee as well as Council on numerous occasions. the recovery of the fi rst 30 able to contribute to this worthy it both ways. He describes Importantly, we recognise that this cost shi is not acceptable; that children who underwent heart cause in any way possible. the recent fl ood events as, Send letters to the editor Council do not own, or have eff ective management or control of Your contribution goes operations, the youngest being ‘disastrous and ‘catastrophic by email to editor@ these assets, nor should they. Accordingly, along with the support of seven weeks and the oldest 14 directly towards saving the lives but at the same time he and Local Government NSW we will continue to resist pressure from the years. of these little ones. I am aware his government still intend to Letters must have name Audit Offi ce and make our own determinations through continued I witnessed the joy and relief that most people have their own log the upper catchment and and phone number for lobbying and advocacy to State Agenices on the matter. from their parents, many of preferred charities, and a lot has headwaters of the Kalang River. Th is is just one example of advocacy in action as we continue to whom had already lost children been asked of our community Th is tragic, ill-advised activity verification. Phone numbers address issues that matter most to our community. to CHD. recently with the fi res and fl oods would greatly increase the will not be published.